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What are the available carpal tunnel treatments?

  • 3 min read

Carpal tunnel treatments

Are you experiencing pain and numbness in your hands, especially at night? You might be experiencing carpal tunnel syndrome. 

In this article, learn more about the causes of the condition and some of the available carpal tunnel treatments that you can do. 

What is carpal tunnel syndrome? 

Carpal tunnel syndrome occurs when there is pressure on the median nerve. Symptoms can include numbness, tingling, and weakness in your hand or arm caused by this compression of its passageways through space where nerves travel from wrist to fingertips.

What are the causes of carpal tunnel syndrome? 

Some of the most common causes of carpal tunnel syndrome include: 

  • Repetitive movements that overextend the wrists. When the wrist is repeatedly overextended, it may cause swelling and compression of the median nerve. Some of these activities include typing or playing the piano.
  • Certain wrist positions. Certain wrist positions, especially when using the keyboard or mouse, can make you more prone to carpal tunnel syndrome.
  • Hands’ prolonged exposure to vibrations. Using power tools or hand tools can strain your wrists.

What are the available treatments for carpal tunnel syndrome? 

Here are the available treatments for carpal tunnel syndrome: 

Wrist splinting

Wearing a splint at night keeps your wrist still while you’re sleeping. This helps relieve the tingling and numbness that you may experience at night due to the condition. Nighttime splinting may also help prevent the symptoms you experience during the daytime.

Kinesiology taping 

Considered to be a conservative treatment for carpal tunnel syndrome, kinesiology tape may help give support to the wrist. Taping may also help improve blood flow to the area while helping alleviate discomfort.

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Corticosteroid injections

A corticosteroid injection may be done by your healthcare provider to help relieve the pain. The injection may also help reduce swelling and inflammation in the area.

Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) 

Taking ibuprofen or other NSAIDs may help relieve pain. However, these drugs don’t help in treating carpal tunnel syndrome per se.


Surgery may be needed if you’re experiencing severe carpal tunnel symptoms. The goal of the surgery is to cut the ligament that’s pressing on the median nerve. Cutting the nerve will help relieve the pressure that you’re feeling. 

Kinesiology taping for carpal tunnel syndrome

If you’re new to kinesiology taping, here is a taping guide to let you in on the basics. 

Here are the steps for applying kinesiology tape for carpal tunnel syndrome: 

  1. Measure and cut a strip of kinesiology tape that spans from the wrist to the elbow. Then, make a Y strip by cutting the tape in half and leaving a tab on the other end. Make sure to round the edges of the strip. 
  2. Anchor the end of the tape tab on the forearm and make sure that you apply 0% tension. Extend the wrist before laying the tails with 0% stretch. 
  3. Measure and cut another strip spanning across the forearms. Round the edges of the tape. 
  4. Remove the middle section of the backing paper. Then, apply a 50% tension to the middle section and position it at the point of pain. Apply the rest of the tape with 0% tension.
  5. Rub the tapes to activate the adhesive. 

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    We hope that you’re now familiar with the symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome. And, we hope that you’re now better acquainted with the available treatments that you can do to help relieve the discomfort that you feel from the injury. 

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